
47#47 Disconnect mobile phone chargers when you’re not using them.



#48 Read newspapers, magazines and books online; or in eBook form.48



49#49 Use your mobile phone or tablet device to make notes for shopping and the like; rather than using paper.



#50 Instead of buying something from new, check whether you can get it for second hand in a shop or online.50



51#51 Lower the brightness setting on your devices so they last longer.



#52 Switch all of your bills and bank account statements to e-versions so they’re viewable online and won’t be sent through the post.52



53#53 Download your computer software, games, DVDs and other disc format-based items rather than having physical copies.



#54 Get in touch with your phone book supplier and cancel – use online directories instead.54



55#55 Use both sides of paper when writing notes or printing off documents.



#56 Shop online for groceries in order to avoid the trip to the shops while also paying attention to your budget.56



57#57 Use power strips around the home for your electronic devices then switch off in one go.



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