
21#28 Adjust your temperature settings to accommodate the following: refrigerator between 37˚F and 40˚F; freezer between zero and 5˚F.

#29 Avoid wasting food by creating a meal plan. If food is left over, save it for later.29



30#30 For efficient chilling, keep the refrigerator full.



#31 Fill the kettle with the minimum amount of water needed.31



32#32 Defrost food by placing it in the refrigerator for 12 hours rather than using a tap or microwave.



#33 Ensure your appliances are of a high eco-saving specification.33



34#34 Don’t pre-heat your oven when cooking.



#35 Don’t rinse dishes before loading them into the dishwasher.35



36#36 If you have to, upgrade your refrigerator – those built post 2001 are typically more energy efficient than older models.



#37 Instead of having two or more small refrigerators to store food, acquire one large refrigerator.75



37#38 Turn off the “heat dry” and “rinse hold” options on your dishwasher.



#39 Wait until your dishwasher is full before making use of it and avoid washing by hand in the mean time – it will save you half the energy.38



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