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June 2016
Green Living: 5 Ways to Make Your Kitchen More Eco-Friendly
The following blog post has been contributed to Finsa Home by Dixie Somers. A freelance writer who enjoys the topics of home, health and family, Dixie takes us through the best ways to make your kitchen more eco-friendly. Going green
May 2016
How to paint your existing tiles instead of spending money.
Laminate Flooring? New Tiles? Paint!! Flooring is the one thing that you always forget that if you change it, you will make a big difference in your house. Today we will tell you how to save money when making improvements
Landlord and tenants, advices for renting
We are still taking advantage of the Property and Landlord Show in Coventry last week. And we would like to share these tips and “secrets” with all of you, so you can take advantage of them as well. The Deposit
April 2016
Four creative ways to redesign your kitchen
The kitchen is the heart of the home and should reflect both the personality and the style of those in the home. The kitchen is where we gather for meals, children do their homework and we sit and chat. It
Why does Finsa Home support Sustainable Forestry Schemes?
At Finsa Home we are proud to be one of the very few home furniture retailers who actively promote the use of materials from PEFC forests – but what exactly does this mean? And how does it affect you, the
Kitchen cabinet – replacing or refacing?
So you are tired of entering your kitchen which is about 20 years old and looks like a Breaking Bad scene, when all you really want is one which could be seen in the Hell’s Kitchen finals. But you are
Step up and come with us
Bring your project to us. Either an small House Renovation or a Large Construction Project. Annual Maintenance and Renovation Plan or Regular Retailer Supply. Put us to the test, we’ll be happy to hear.
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